Genies & Gems
Click the episode you want to find your video.
- The Watering Hole (1101 to 1120)
- She Said Yes! (1081 to 1100)
- Take From the Rich (1061 to 1080)
- Bear with It (1041 to 1060)
- Relics of the Buried Princess (1021 to 1040)
- Bridge Over Magical Waters (1001 to 1020)
- Riverside Reflection (961 to 980)
- Calm of the Night (941 to 960)
- The Midnight Gem (921 to 940)
- Cat's Out of the Bag (901 to 920)
- Journey Onward (881 to 900)
- Caged Beasts (861 to 880)
- Golden Opportunities (841 to 860)
- Like Clockwork (821 to 840)
- That's My Mine (801 to 820)
- A Hallowed Evening (781 to 800)
- Altitude Avenue (761 to 780)
- Hill Street Clues (741 to 760)
- Truss Issues (721 to 740)
- Alpaca Your Bags (701 to 720)
- Castle-Mania (681 to 700)
- A Medieval Predicament (661 to 680)
- Preparing For Battle (641 to 660)
- Impenetrable Walls (621 to 640)
- Bandit Hangout (601 to 620)
- Stuck in the Weeds (581 to 600)
- She Sells Seashells (561 to 580)
- Fun in the Sun (541 to 560)
- Exciting Expedition (521 to 540)
- Slithering Slimies (501 to 520)
- Feeling the Heat (481 to 500)
- Forbidden Temple (461 to 480)
- Stone Faced (441 to 460)
- In the Cover of Darkness (421 to 440)
- Overgrown (401 to 420)
- Through the Heat (381 to 400)
- Sticky Situations (361 to 380)
- Wishful Thinking (341 to 360)
- A Brief Respite (321 to 340)
- Bundles of Joy (301 to 320)
- A Forgotten Kingdom (281 to 300)
- The Sparkling Gates (261 to 280)
- What Lies Within? (241 to 260)
- The Perilous Descent (221 to 240)
- Heart of Golden Shadows (201 to 220)
- An Explosive Development (181 to 200)
- Hideout Go Seek (161 to 180)
- Chilled to the Core (141 to 160)
- Going with the Flow (121 to 140)
- A Growing Menace (101 to 120)
- A Dry Spell (81 to 100)
- Outfoxed at Every Turn (61 to 80)
- Just Dropping In (41 to 60)
- A Stone's Throw Away (21 to 40)
- The Genie and the Fox (1 to 20)